Air Permitting, Compliance and Modeling
- Completion of the permit revision for Low Sulfur Natural Gasoline (LSNG) project at a fractionator; New Source Review air permitting of a natural gas liquid processing facility consisting of 3 flares.
- Completion of the New Source Review permit renewal for two storage terminals; performed SCREEN3 modeling.
- Completion of the initial permit and two permit revisions; New Source Review and Title V air permitting of a natural gas storage facility consisting of 56,000 hp of compression, dehydration plant, methanol injection, thermal oxidizer, storage tankage, VOC loading/unloading losses, VOC separator losses, plant fugitive missions.
- Completion of the initial permit and three permit revisions; New Source Review and Title V air permitting for a 700.0 mmscf/d natural gas processing plant with up to 48,000 hp of compression, dehydration plant, amine unit, flare, thermal oxidizer, storage tankage, VOC loading/unloading losses, VOC separator losses, plant fugitive missions.
- Completion of twenty New Source Review and Title V air permit applications for various natural gas processing plants, with ISCST3 air emissions modeling.
- Completion of an air permit standard exemption registration for two, 150.0-300.0, mmscf/d natural gas processing plants with up to 19,200 hp of compression, dehydration plant, NGL recovery plant, gas flare, storage tankage, VOC loading/unloading losses, VOC separator losses and fugitive emissions; included ISCLT3 air emissions modeling for NAAQS.
- Completion of twenty (20) Standard Permit applications for various oil and gas exploration and production facilities; performed ISC-PRIME modeling.
- Completion of compressor engine NOx emissions reduction analysis for various oil and gas production facilities.
- Completion of NESHAP Subpart HH TEG Dehydration Unit HAPs compliance study for various oil and gas production facilities.
- Completion of Emergency Response Dispersion Modeling (CAMEO, MARPLOT and ALOHA) for three high profile oil and gas production facilities.
- Completion of implementation of Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) - Air Module for two oil and gas production companies.
- Completion of EPA Natural Gas Star Program annual methane reduction reports for various oil and gas production facilities.
- Completion of sixty (60) PBR registrations for various oil and gas production facilities.
- Development of air emissions fact sheets for oil and gas production facilities.
- Completion of air permitting and compliance training slides for various oil and gas production facilities.
- Completion of emission event STEERS reports for various oil and gas facilities.
- Completion of the Access database for vent flare emission calculations and reporting for various oil and gas facilities.
- Completion of the Title V annual compliance and semi-annual deviation reports for various oil and gas facilities.
- Completion of the HRVOC monitoring applicability review for various flare permits.
- Strategic air emission control design to replace existing catalytic converters with electronic management system to reduce NOx, CO and VOC emissions and save millions in engine fuel and operation manpower cost.
- Completion of stationary spark ignition IC engine NSPS; 40 CFR 60, subpart JJJJ applicability for various natural gas production facilities.
- Completion of stationary RICE NESHAP; 40 CFR 63, subpart ZZZZ applicability for various natural gas production facilities.
- Completion of MACT applicability for various natural gas production facilities.
- Completion of air emissions inventories (EIQ) for various natural gas processing plants.
- Development of SOx and NOx Emission Inventory for Client's South Texas and Louisiana facilities.
- Completion of a fugitive emissions monitoring program for a 20.0 mmscf/d sour gas processing plant. Work included establishing a fugitives emissions monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting manual for site personnel; conducting the first fugitives monitoring event of over 10,000 components and training site personnel to take over the quarterly monitoring.
High volume Permitting Strategy Development and Implementation
- Completion of 1,500 PBR applications and TCEQ STEERS and Q2 program submittal.
- Completion of 400 Standard Permit applications and TCEQ STEERS and Q2 program submittal.
Air Emission Database Development
- Completion of a corporate-specific Access air emission database for client's South Texas facilities.
- Completion of a corporate-specific Excel vent flare worksheet for Client's South Texas facilities. Vent flare worksheet feeds the Access air emission database with all venting and flaring including downtimes, compressor blow down for all south Texas facilities.
- Maintaining and updating Access air database and vent flare worksheet.
- Generating detailed monthly air emissions report for all Client's South Texas facilities via air emission database and vent flare worksheet.

Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown (MSS) Database Development
- Completion of a corporate-specific MSS database for Client's South Texas facilities.
- Maintaining and updating MSS database.
Air Compliance Worksheet Development
- Completion of a corporate-specific Excel air emission compliance worksheet for Client's North Louisiana facilities.
- Maintaining and updating the air compliance worksheet.
- Generating detailed monthly air emissions compliance status report via air compliance worksheet.
Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) Implementation
- Implemented Ops Environmental Management Information System for one major corporation consisting of more than 200 facilities.
- Implemented field operating, permit conditions, and regulatory requirements to Ops EMIS.
- Prepared Return of Investment (ROI) for environmental and safety information management system analysis for various energy companies.
- Maintained and updated Ops EMIS.
Fugitive Leaks and Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Monitoring/Measurement/Reporting/Recordkeeping Program Development
- Completion of three corporate-wide Infrared (IR) thermal imaging fugitive leak detection, measurement, sampling and gas composition analysis programs.
- Developed GHG emission measurement methodology for three major corporations.
- Performed GHG gap analysis to complete combustion, fugitive components, and control equipment inventory from all facilities.
- Development of facility specific annual GHG electronic reporting forms and checklists.
- Development of facility specific recordkeeping tools.
- Developed GHG emissions verification procedure.
- Developed GHG emission monitoring plan.
- Development of GHG instrumentation procedure log book and critical path- GANTT chart.
- Developed GHG emissions calculation worksheet with the incorporation of the new GHG inventory formulas and reporting rules.
- Developed fugitive leaks; GHG monitoring and measuring program by using EPA required infrared (IR) imaging camera and thermal mass flow meters, turbine meters and ultrasonic flow meters.
- Developed air emission database to include GHG emission tracking/calculation module.
- Developed the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program for various oil and gas production companies. Accomplishments included;
Stack Testing
- Supported reciprocating engines, turbines, and boilers/furnaces, CEMS certifications.
- Supported engine stack test for Client's South Texas facilities.
- Evaluated and reviewed engine stack test report for air permit compliance.
Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan Development
- Developed and certified over 100 SPCC plans for energy, oil and gas, and chemical facilities.
- Developed SPCC plan summary Poster for various major oil and gas corporations.
- Developed and certified SPCC and SWP3 Plans for Client's research and testing facilities in Houston, TX.
Oil and Gas Production Field Combustor Installation and Testing Project Support
- Supported client Engineering, Operations and combustor partner to implement product compatibility, project schedule, product delivery and product on-site testing.
- Supported 24 MW combustor performance test result to incorporate newly EPA proposed NSPS Subpart OOOO combustor performance testing protocol. The task included combustor design, test fuel and heat input evaluation.
- Provided professionally trained technicians with IR camera and thermal mass flow meters to survey combustor combustion efficiency during startup. Recorded the combustor combustion images at the combustor manufacture facility. Combustion IR images provided the evidence of a complete combustion.
- Supported oxygen (O2) analyzer system evaluation.
Marine Terminal Loading Vapor Combustor System Installation and Testing Project Support
- Supported client Engineering, Operations and combustor partner to implement product compatibility, project schedule, product delivery and product on-site testing.
- Supported 10,000 bbls/hr loading rate at 50 MW combustor performance test result to incorporate newly EPA proposed NSPS Subpart OOOO combustor performance testing protocol. The task included combustor design, test fuel and heat input evaluation.
- Provided professionally trained technicians with IR camera and thermal mass flow meters to survey combustor combustion efficiency during startup. Recorded the combustor combustion images at the combustor manufacture facility. Combustion IR images provided the evidence of a complete combustion.
- Supported oxygen (O2) analyzer system evaluation.

Soil and Groundwater Remediation
- Completion of Phase I site assessments to identify recognized environmental concerns at sites ranging from undeveloped land to industrial refineries.
- Completion of initial soil sampling to identify potential releases or contamination at site in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
- Installation of groundwater monitoring wells to determine if groundwater is contamination is present at the facilities.
- Interpretation of analytical data to determine the type of remediation is appropriate for impacted media at the facilities.
- Installation of phase separated hydrocarbons remediation systems depending on the type of PSH is identified.
Remedial Design and Implementation
- Determination of the type of impact at the facility.
- Identification of potential engineering concepts that can be utilized to complete remediation of the facility.
- Implementation of effective redial design to ensure that site specific contamination. Releases/Spill Response Oversight
- Rapid response to spill release and oversight of multiple contractors to identified impacted media.
- Determination of notification to the appropriate state agency.
- Establishment of cleanup standards.
- Notification to state agency.
- Coordination with corrective action coordinators at designated state agency.
- Removal of impacted media with the appropriate type of equipment and PPE.
Excavation Oversight
- Completion of excavation of impacted soils for multiple types of product releases.
- Completion of Health and Safety to ensure projects care completed with appropriate PPE.
- Completion of control of erosion as part of excavation and installation of remedial designs.
- Closure of excavation for contaminated soils only in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
- Excavation around multiple pipelines, reinforcement of supports for pipelines while excavation activities are ongoing.
- Qualified operators for excavation, trenching and line location services.
Multiple SPCC's and SWPPP's
- Multiple SPCC's have been completed for various entities in the oil and gas sector including bulk storage facilities, tank batteries, transfer stations, produced water disposal facilities, compressor stations, refineries and terminals.
- SPCC programs incorporating field-experienced professionals to streamline data collection, site tracking, and SPCC report preparation - resulting in less time and expense to our clients.
- EnTech has a team of experienced professionals who oversee each client's SPCC program and provide regulatory updates and plan revisions as needed.
- Created SWPPP programs and has provided employee training on regulatory compliance issues.
- Our services include Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and erosion control, Notice of Intent ("NOI") filing, SWPPP inspections, training seminars, dust control compliance measures and dust control permit assistance.